Tuesday, July 7, 2009

UM's LiFE!

This is the first week I'm in UM..
UM's life is not at all like what I've been thinking of..
I always think far back in maktab that university life are going to be much
easier, much merrier than our maktab's life....
But what happen is, nothing is just like we expected it to be..

The truth is, University life longing for more determination,
more strength, more enthusiasm, more energy, more money,
and of course more work and not only more but more than ever!
Hehe sounds hyperbole right? But it is the truth that we are facing with it right now.

As for PMEY 3104 class, I'm quite relieve that we got a wonderful lecturer
who is Mr. Fauzi. He is very kind and nice lecturer which we always think
that Tuesday is the best day which we will be waiting for that day.
I do not what attraction that he got, but surely he motivates us to learning
through his humour, his jokes, sharing experiences with us...
All that make us motivated and lower down our anxiety. We learn happily,
having fun and discussing like friends!

All in all in the first class, we have been briefed about the course by Mr. Fauzi...
What I understand is, we are learning this course to learn to
integrate science with the new technology that we are dealing with right now.
The world is changing and our future students are going to be K-12 students,
who are born as digital native with all the gadgets and technology to be used
and to live with.
Thus, as teachers, that is our job, our responsibility to go through it,
learn it so that in future we will be able to show a good value in teaching and
using technology in life as well as integrating science to our everyday life.

In a nutshell, for me, this course is one step for us to step forward to produce
a better citizen in the future. That is all for now. Take care my dear friends! >_<

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