Monday, July 27, 2009

My recent LIFE !! >_<

HI GUYS! Hmm..sorry i didnt update this blog for quite a while. Lots and load of work are waiting...
Things getting quite hectic which I think for the certain extend that I'm quite tired of those works..
Some of the symptoms are:

1. Not enough sleep.
2. Feel so tired that I think that I want to sleep for the whole day.

3. Feel like yelling, screaming , scolding, etc.. haha >_<
4. Feel like I want to leave all the work undone.
5. Wanted to watch movies and enjoys life as much as I can.

Huh, but that's all are just a symptoms.. This is my life now, I need to prevent it before it getting worse... "preventing is better than cure". So, I need to find ways to release tension, get myself pampered for a while.. I need not think so much actually.. It's all happen to you all too right? So, don't worry. just think that you can do it well..

Hmm.. bout science class... I love it very much.. The environment is not so tensed up... The teaching and learning process going on smoothly and we do have time to relax. For this course,we need to prepare a lesson plan and use CD-ROMs as a way to incorporate technology in teaching science. We are working hard on it, and hope my friends will present it well. We'll try our best even we are so tired to think of works... But, this is life. This is how we enjoy life as university students. So, to all my beloved friends, good luck to you all in everything you do.. Chaiiyokkk!!!!>_<

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


This is a breaking news in CNN right now.. It is believe that death toll for now are 8 people.. This Indonesia Hotels Bombing is the second one where the first one happen at J.W Marriot 6 years ago, year 2003.

What happen to the world nowadays??? Bombing, wars happen everywhere, in each parts of the world. Did humans lost their humanity already? Of course, we can get angry to certain people, but we have no right to take people's life.. In the end, we will be blame for being radical and cruel!!.. And who knows, first Iraq, Palestine, Baghdad, Indonesia and one day in future it will happen on us!!!! Do you really want that to happen? What can we do??

Sunday, July 12, 2009


The 2 days course that I've been attending was a very great experience that I would never forget it. I would like to attend it again in future if I have the chance. Everything are new knowledge that I could not get in such opportunity like this. The sharing, brotherhood between the members are very close. The facilitator whom we call brother and sister were very nice, they welcomed us warmly and we felt very comfortable being able to know such good people.

In addition, this course has given me a very clear explanation and clarification of the main four religions around the world. We were given Al-Quran, Bible and 3 more books related to the topic discussed for the whole 2 days.

The food was great and we even get the opportunity to see one of sister revert to Islam... The ceremony when well, and I'm so touched with the situation on that day. She is really one of the lucky person in this world as according to what Brother Lim has said that, every sins done before she revert to Islam are demolished. She is like a pure, white cloth and with not even a black dots on the cloth. She is like a new born baby with no sins at all. I am so pleased to see this and I'm glad that I was able to see her wonderful moments in her lifetime.

As for all, I think I gain a lot from this IDT, I would be glad to come again and getting involve in this kind of programmes. In a nutshell, I will never forget this moments in my life which I'm sure I could never gain this by my own readings. Syukran jazilan to all, and I'll share the content with you all later.. Till then, take care and may God bless you all always as He is in the Most Gracious and most Merciful.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

PPSMI in history!

As we all already know, the medium of instruction in teaching MAth and Science will revert back, where Bahasa Malaysia will be used in the classroom starting with the year 1 and 4 for primary school and form 1 and 4 for secondary school from 2012 onwards.

This decision has been made by the ministry after all the consideration and analysing the statistics of the achievement of pupils since PPSMI has been implemented.

This decision dissappoint me as I really think English is a vital for the new generation. They need English in their future life. However, I'm glad that the ministry has already come out with 12 steps to empower English for the pupils instead of teaching Math and Science in English.

The 12 steps are as follow:

  1. - Menambah seramai 13,933 guru Bahasa Inggeris (BI) termasuk 1,000 dari luar negara, 600 guru bersara dan 12,333 guru tambahan dari Institut Pendidikan Guru Malaysia (IPGM), institusi pengajian tinggi awam (IPTA) dan swasta (IPTS).
  2. - Menyediakan guru penolong BI gred DG41 bagi kelas besar melebihi 35 murid dalam tahun satu dan dua untuk meningkatkan masa perhubungan guru dan murid.
  3. - Menambah waktu BI bagi sekolah kebangsaan (SK) tahap satu sebanyak 90 minit kepada 330 minit seminggu manakala tahap dua daripada 210 minit kepada 300 minit seminggu.
  4. - Waktu BI bagi Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Cina (SJKC) dan Tamil (SJKT) tahap satu pula ditambah daripada 60 minit kepada 120 minit seminggu manakala tahap dua ditambah daripada 90 minit kepada 120 minit seminggu.
  5. - Menambah waktu BI bagi tingkatan satu hingga lima daripada 200 minit kepada 280 minit seminggu.
  6. - Peruntukan waktu BI bagi Malaysian University English Test (MUET) tingkatan enam ditambah daripada 320 minit kepada 400 minit seminggu.
  7. - Waktu BI bagi matrikulasi ditambah 100 peratus iaitu daripada tiga jam kepada enam jam seminggu.
  8. - Program Sastera Kontemporari bahasa Inggeris Kanak-Kanak diperkenalkan kepada semua murid sekolah rendah tahap dua untuk mengukuhkan minat membaca dan memperkenalkan unsur-unsur sastera.
  9. - Mewujudkan makmal bahasa Inggeris di sekolah-sekolah untuk memudahkan murid mempelajari bahasa itu dengan berkesan.
  10. - Teknologi maklumat dimanfaatkan dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran BI melalui penggunaan perisian komputer yang sesuai.
  11. - Pelajaran tatabahasa Inggeris diberi penekanan dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran BI.
  12. - Menyerapkan elemen sains dan teknologi dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran BI untuk mendedahkan murid dengan istilah berkaitan dalam bahasa Inggeris.
As u can see in the picture showed above, we are lacks of teachers to teach Math and Science and we still need to brush up and train our teachers well before maybe sometimes in the future this issue could be taken into consideration gain. Most of the teachers use wrong terms and some did not even use English as medium of instruction. As for now, the ministry has taken the decision and we need to implement the steps above in order to increase the chance especially for rural area pupils for their future career and at the same time still maintaining our Malay language.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Al-Quran: Our Path to JANNAH....

2 pages of " Qur'an " a day keep jahannam away !
what about putting this sentence: '
2 pages of Qur'an a day keep jahannam away ' on our statuses :D
Allah will pay you a lot of ' hasanat ' ;)
try it u wont loose anything! u will gain instead :)
may Allah bless u all>_<

Our statuses were always filled with activities done on that day..
Why not sometimes we put something that will lead us gain for our eternal life...
U will also help ur friends to remember their deeds and whether we have prepared for the real world after death..>_<

UM's LiFE!

This is the first week I'm in UM..
UM's life is not at all like what I've been thinking of..
I always think far back in maktab that university life are going to be much
easier, much merrier than our maktab's life....
But what happen is, nothing is just like we expected it to be..

The truth is, University life longing for more determination,
more strength, more enthusiasm, more energy, more money,
and of course more work and not only more but more than ever!
Hehe sounds hyperbole right? But it is the truth that we are facing with it right now.

As for PMEY 3104 class, I'm quite relieve that we got a wonderful lecturer
who is Mr. Fauzi. He is very kind and nice lecturer which we always think
that Tuesday is the best day which we will be waiting for that day.
I do not what attraction that he got, but surely he motivates us to learning
through his humour, his jokes, sharing experiences with us...
All that make us motivated and lower down our anxiety. We learn happily,
having fun and discussing like friends!

All in all in the first class, we have been briefed about the course by Mr. Fauzi...
What I understand is, we are learning this course to learn to
integrate science with the new technology that we are dealing with right now.
The world is changing and our future students are going to be K-12 students,
who are born as digital native with all the gadgets and technology to be used
and to live with.
Thus, as teachers, that is our job, our responsibility to go through it,
learn it so that in future we will be able to show a good value in teaching and
using technology in life as well as integrating science to our everyday life.

In a nutshell, for me, this course is one step for us to step forward to produce
a better citizen in the future. That is all for now. Take care my dear friends! >_<